
Home > eRoom Help > eRoom site and community administration > Site administration

Site administration

This topic is organized into the following sections:

About eRoom sites

An eRoom site is made up of one or more servers that support a population of eRooms and users. All servers in a site share a common membership -- members log in once to the site, and then not again during the same session, even if they go to different eRooms on different servers.

A site can be as small as a single server (eRoom Standard installation), but can have many servers (eRoom Advanced installation). A large site can be split into multiple communities. As in eRoom 6, facilities are used to organize eRooms, but communities segment and divide members. Communities allow the site membership, which may be hundreds of thousands of members, to be divided in small collections that can be administered separately. Each community that contains one or more facilities shares a membership list and a set of permissions.

About administering a site

As the site administrator, you oversee the running of all eRoom servers and their communities at your site.

You administer a site in Site Settings, which you can get to from your My eRooms page by clicking "Site Settings" in the Administration section. Or, you can access Site Settings locally by using the eRoom MMC snap-in -- choose from the Start menu Programs > eRoom Server > eRoom Server Administration.

See also: eRoom 7 MMC snap-in, Server tuning, and Diagnostic and troubleshooting tools

Site Settings

The categories in Site Settings are as follows:

Command buttons in Site Settings

The following buttons on every page act on Site Settings as a whole:

Note: In the eRoom MMC snap-in, Site Settings pages only show the Apply button.

If you move from one Site Settings page to another (via links in the left column), eRoom "remembers" your changes, but only applies them when you click "OK" or "Apply". However, you must click "OK" or "Apply" to save your changes if you do one of the following actions (eRoom prompts you otherwise):

Note: On Site Settings pages, you can change a setting by clicking either the selection device (radio button or check box, for example), or the corresponding text label.

Site Settings: General


Type a name for your site.

Site Administrator

Click to add members to or remove members from the site administrator permission group, which grants all permissions in the site.

Feature options

You can enable or disable the following site-wide, optional features:


When on (check box selected)

Initial setting

Allow Internet Explorer users to synchronize eRooms to read offline.

eRoom members who use Microsoft Internet Explorer 5 or 6 can store and read elements of eRoom offline, while disconnected from the network or the Internet.


Allow XML queries and commands from external applications.

Allows eRoom to process remote SOAP/XML requests (queries, commands.


Allow eRoom users to read and edit eRoom files outside of eRoom using WebDAV.

Allows eRoom users to map an eRoom as a Web Folder so they can save Microsoft Office files directly to an eRoom without leaving the Office application. WebDAV is an Internet standard protocol that is an extension of HTTP.


Check external directories when unknown users attempt to login.

Members added to an external-membership directory can log in to the site before the nightly member synchronization occurs because, if someone with no existing member account tries to log in, eRoom searches all external directories for a matching member. If a match is found, the member is immediately added (synched) to the site member list, via the member group named for the directory connection in which the member was located.


Alert administrators and coordinators when rooms approach the object limit

The site administrator receives a notification when the object limit (object per room, items per folder, or room size) set for a room in the site is reached. If this setting is enabled, the site administrator, community administrators, and room coordinators receive alerts in the form of warning messages when the object limit for an eRoom is reached. Email messages are also sent to the site administrator and the coordinators listed as the room’s contacts.

If this option is enabled, a warning is sent when the limit set in the Start alerting when a room reaches <%> of the limit field is reached. The default value is 80%.


Members can choose to use the plug-in.

Gives eRoom members the option to install the plug-in client. Otherwise, they can use eRoom with the browser only.




Files with dangerous extensions cannot be opened or put into eRoom.

Specify file extensions for file types you want to prevent users from opening in eRoom or adding to eRoom, in case they might pose a security risk. (For example, .bat, .exe, .doc, etc.)

Click "Restore defaults" to retrieve the list of file extensions initially specified.


Member list settings

Specify the following site-wide, member list settings:

See also: Member lists and Working with member lists in the Managing members topic.

Miscellaneous settings

You can modify default settings for the following eRoom functions:

Site Settings: Documentum Server

To use eRoom Enterprise, the Documentum Foundation Classes (DFC) must be installed on the same server as eRoom 7. For details, see Installing DFC on the eRoom 7 Server in the eRoom 7 Server Installation Guide.

Also, eRoom needs a dedicated Documentum Server account with 'super user' privileges for every repository that eRoom uses -- the account login name and password must be the same for each repository. For details, see Creating Dedicated Documentum Server Accounts in the eRoom 7 Server Installation Guide.

Note: To provide eRoom Enterprise users with template objects for publishing files to the Documentum Server, each repository needs a dedicated "eRoom Templates" (case-sensitive) directory. For details, see Creating Dedicated eRoom 7 Template Directories in the eRoom 7 Server Installation Guide.

Documentum Server connection

Once the DFC is installed and a dedicated Documentum Server account created, Documentum Server linking is enabled on your site when the "Allow Documentum Server connections" check box is selected. Clearing this check box keeps eRoom Enterprise UI hidden in all eRooms in the site. Selecting this check box enables the eRoom Enterprise features and UI, according to the settings in this section.

Clearing the "Allow Documentum Server connections" check box and saving that setting disables all Documentum Server-related features in the site. Any existing Documentum Server-linked files in eRooms are inoperable for any action that requires communicating with the Documentum Server (including linking, unlinking, viewing, reserving, editing and so on). Attempts to perform such actions produce access-rights errors. However, no error messages appear for eRoom-only actions such as Mark Read, Copy Link, Notification, Access Control, repositioning, and so forth.

Linked folders

Decide whether Only administrators can create Linked Folders. If this check box is selected, the Linked Folder option on the Create Item page is visible only to site administrators and, if they have permission to define Documentum Server connections in their communities, to community administrators.

If Only administrators can create Linked Folders is turned on, the same option is disabled for community administrators unless they can define Documentum Server connections in their communities. If a community has its own Documentum Server connection, the community administrator can decide whether to restrict linked folder creation to administrators only.

Thumbnails for linked files

With "Display thumbnails for linked files..." selected, the file icon for any Documentum Server-linked file is replaced by its thumbnail (shown at full native resolution, typically 100x100) in an item or attachment box, in large icon view only.

Note: Display of thumbnails in lists of Documentum Server-linked files requires Documentum Media Services.

Accept login credentials from Documentum Server

Decide whether to Accept login credentials coming from the Documentum Server. This setting controls whether custom WDK applications are allowed to connect to an eRoom server on behalf of a user, without requiring an additional login.

The repository against which users authenticate, and into which they log in, depends on how the member's Documentum Server permissions are set up -- members may or may not have access to all, or some, of the repositories available to the Documentum Server connection.

See also: Logging into a repository

Frequency of change-checking

Specify the frequency with which you want the eRoom server to Check for changes to linked files (at intervals of between five and 60 minutes apart, inclusive). This setting determines how often the Scheduler runs the background task to "Check for changes to linked files". The more frequently this task runs, the more granular the changes it detects. For example, if several people edit the same file in the course of an hour, and the Scheduler runs this task every 60 minutes, only the most recent change during that hour is detected.

Site-wide default connection settings

You can specify a Documentum Server connection for the site that all communities can use as a default Documentum Server connection. If administrators of new communities can "define a Documentum Server connection", individual communities can use the site-wide default connection, use no connection (by turning off "Use a Documentum Server connection in this community"), or define their own community connection. Otherwise, communities must use the site-wide default, unless a site administrator turns off "Use a Documentum Server connection in this community" for a community. If you don't provide a site-wide default Documentum Server connection, individual communities can define their own, as long as Documentum Server connections are allowed on the site, and administrators of new communities can "define a Documentum Server connection".

Select the check box labeled "Define a default connection for the site".

Specify the login name and password for the dedicated Documentum Server account (with 'super user' privileges for each selected repository) that you created for eRoom to use.

Click the "test" button to verify whether the account name and its password are valid for all the selected repositories. The Test Repositories page reports these results.

Note: Changing this account for the site or community means that event notifications for existing linked files must be updated on the Documentum Server in order to enable synchronization of linked folders.

When you change this account, eRoom displays the following warning: "The Documentum Server account for eRoom administration has changed. Existing Documentum Server-linked content needs to be updated in order to continue to work properly. From a command line, please enter: 'ERDMReconciler -e'. Note that this upgrade could take a very long time to complete."

ERDMReconciler.exe is located in the eRoom server subdirectory, which must be on the path if it is not the current directory.

If there are a large number of existing linked files, this command can potentially take hours to run. For this reason, eRoom does not automatically run this command, but leaves it to the administrators discretion. For example, you might want to run the command during off peak hours. Be aware, however, that between the time when the Documentum Server account is changed in eRoom, and when ERDMReconciler is run, eRoom might not correctly synchronize files added to or removed from linked folders.

Click "edit" to open the Configure docbrokers page, in which you specify the Primary docbroker and (optionally) the Backup docbrokers for the site. The primary docbroker is read, by default, out of the DFC settings file. You can specify multiple backup docbrokers by entering one per line in the text box. Use the syntax docbrokerName:portNumber. To specify the default port (1489), don't enter a portNumber. When you click "OK", the "filter" button is enabled for specifying the Available Repositories for the site.

Click "filter" to open the Filter repositories page, on which you can pick the repositories you want to make available to eRoom (they are all selected by default). If you clear the check box for "(new repositories)", only the repositories you pick are available (example). Conversely, with "(new repositories)" selected, you make all repositories available except the ones you don't pick (example), including any new repositories that later become available through the Docbroker in use.

When you click "OK", the names of the selected repositories appear next to the Available repositories label.

Specify the optional Webtop/DAM URL (Documentum Server and Documentum Webtop versions 5.1 or later, Internet Explorer only) and/or WebPublisher URL. Doing so enables the "Go to Documentum Server" and "Content Properties" commands on right-click file item menus, which opens the Webtop or WebPublisher client.

Documentum Server search

If you have a Documentum client URL specified for the site connection, you can enable site members to access the Documentum Server search page from eRoom by selecting the "Show a link to the Documentum Server's search page on the eRoom's site search page" check box.

Pick which URL the Documentum Server search should use: Webtop/DAM URL or WebPublisher URL.

Specify the repository for eRoom members using Documentum Server search.

Pick an optional label for the link to this location that appears on the Search All eRooms page. If empty, eRoom uses the repository name.

Require file properties

If you have a Documentum client URL specified for your site's Documentum Server connection, you can require that members specify certain mandatory properties for specific types of files linked to the Documentum Server from eRoom. With the "File properties are required when files are linked to the Documentum Server" check box selected, the WDK Properties component opens in a new window for every such file during the linking process.                      

If a community has its own Documentum Server connection, this option can be set at the community level.

To specify which document types have mandatory properties, click "choose" and pick the document types. The list of document types are an aggregate list of the templates provided in the "eRoom Templates" (case-sensitive) directory on each repository available at your site.

If mandatory properties are required, when a linked file is added to eRoom (either manually, or automatically because it's added to a linked folder or to a regular folder with a default Documentum Server location), eRoom tracks the mandatory property state of the document in the repository. The states are as follows:

When you try to view/edit/copy a linked file, the result depends on which state the document is in, as follows:

See also: Modifying properties of Documentum Server-linked files

Site Settings: Communities

On the Communities page, you can edit Community Settings, edit a community's member list, lock a community, and delete a community. You can also create, export, and import communities, and specify options for new communities.

To create a new community:

  1. On the Communities page in Site Settings, click "new community".

  2. On the Create Community page, enter a Name for the new community and click "OK".

eRoom creates the new community and an entry for it appears in the table.

Using the communities table

The communities table shows the number of members and facilities in each community. Here are the actions you can perform using the communities table.


Click in a row...


Edit Community Settings

(or its name)

Opens Community Settings.

Edit the community member list

Opens the Community Member List.

Lock the community

Opens the Community Lock Message page, on which you can edit the default Message that appears when members (besides site administrators) attempt to access any page in the locked community. Click "OK" to save the message and lock the community.

Delete the community

deleteicon.GIF (858 bytes)

Removes the community from the site. Before you can delete a community, it must first be empty of all facilities and native members.

Note: You can export the community to a backup file before deleting it.

See also: Community Administrators for information about picking community administrators (on the Members page of Community Settings).

Community locks

As site administrator, you can lock communities for any purpose (security, administration, or maintenance, for example).

While a community is locked, only site administrators can perform the following activities:

To lock a community:

  1. Go the Communities page of Site Settings.

  2. In the row for the community you want to lock, click "lock".

  3. On the "Community Lock Message" page, you can customize the error message that appears when users try to perform any of the restricted activities listed above.

  4. Click "OK".

In the communities table, appears next to the name of a locked community, and "unlock" replaces "lock", like this:

On My eRooms pages, locked communities, and eRooms in locked communities, are labeled "(locked)"; a lock symbol () replaces the read/unread indicator for an eRoom in a locked community.

If anyone besides a site administrator attempts to access pages in a locked community, an error message appears before they are redirected to My eRooms.

New Community Options

Specify settings you want all new communities to have. As site administrator, you can change these settings later in Community Settings. Community administrators can change only some of them, depending on the corresponding site setting.  

Note: Changes to these settings do not affect existing communities, only new ones.

Privacy level for new communities

Specify one of the following privacy levels for new communities:

Note: If a community has a sensitive member list, you should make the community private to ensure confidentiality. Otherwise, administrators of other communities can still see that member list (or search for names of those members) when they add guests to their communities, even if they are guests in such a community and do not have "can see community member list" permission in that community.

New communities rules

Specify rules that apply to new communities. These settings also appear in Community Settings but only the site administrator can change them.


When on (check box selected)

Initial setting

can have local members

New members can be created in the community. Otherwise, when this setting is turned off, only guests and external-membership directory members are allowed in the community, and all UI for creating new members is disabled.

Note: A site administrator can add local members to a community even if the can have local members option is not set to "On".


require email addresses to be used as login names

Require new local members and all external members to have an email address and use it as their login name. Turning this setting on helps to ensure unique login names. If this setting turned on and there are already local members, those members can still use their login names to login to the site. Existing external members, however, will be required to use their email addresses as login names after the next directory synchronization.


Administrators of new communities can

You can enable or disable these permissions for (community) administrators in new communities. When a permission is off, the corresponding controls in Community and Facility Settings are disabled for all but the site administrator.

Note: As site administrator, you pick the initial community administrators for each community.


When on (check box selected)

Initial setting

create and import facilities

Community administrators can create and import facilities to their communities.


create directory connections

Community administrators can create and edit external-membership directory connections.   


add/remove guests

Community administrators and coordinators (with modify community member list permission) can add guest members to or remove guest members from the community member list.


rename facilities

Community administrators can rename facilities in their communities.


rebuild facility indices

Community administrators can manually rebuild facility indexes (for searching eRoom contents) in their communities. Otherwise, this is a background process that runs automatically, according to the Scheduler's settings.


change eRoom size limits

Community administrators can change the site-wide default size limit for new eRooms in their communities.


define a Documentum Server connection

Community administrators can

  • define an independent Documentum Server connection for the community

  • remove a Documentum Server connection

  • specify which community members have permission to create and edit Documentum Server links (depending on their role)

With this permission off (check box cleared), communities must use the site-wide Documentum Server connection, and anyone with appropriate access rights in both eRoom and the Documentum Server can create and edit Documentum Server links.


Default size limit for new eRooms in new communities

You can set a default maximum amount of disk space new eRooms in new communities can consume. The default value is "None", or no limit. Unless you have space constraints at your site, you can leave this box blank. Otherwise, enter the number for maximum disk space in MB units.

The size of an eRoom is determined by the size of files it contains, including items in the Recycle Bin. When a size limit is in effect for an eRoom, members cannot add items that would make the eRoom exceed this limit.

To apply a size limit for all existing communities and eRooms (not just new ones), click "apply to existing communities and eRooms". If you do so, members in any eRoom over that limit will be unable to create new items or files until the eRoom's size is lowered below the limit.

A related site setting lets you decide whether administrators of new communities can change eRoom size limits.

Site Settings: Members

From the Members page, click "site member list" to see all site members. From the site member list, you can delete members, or merge duplicate accounts (if needed). In the Communities section of the site member list, click the name of a community to open its community member list. From a community member list, you can move members to another community.

Also, on the Members page of Site Settings, you can set the initial permissions for members in new communities. Members with each permission are included in a permission group in their communities having that same name. Administrators in individual communities can change the members in each permission group later.

Note: As site administrator, you can pick the members in the community administrators group for each community.


When on (check box selected)

Initial setting

Can create eRooms

Members in this permission group can create eRooms from their My eRooms pages. This permission implicitly grants the Can see the community member list permission so that eRoom creators can add community members to their eRoom member lists.


Can create groups

Members in this permission group can create groups in the community member list, even if they don't have the Can modify the community member list permission. This permission implicitly grants the Can see the community member list permission so that group creators can add community members to the groups they create. A group creator cannot:

  • modify the community member list in any other way (cannot add/remove native members or guests)

  • modify member lists of eRooms to which he belongs (unless the group creator is also a coordinator in that eRoom)

Coordinators who have this permission can create groups in their eRooms.  


Can see the community member list

This permission allows:

  • coordinators to add community members to their eRooms

  • group creators (and members of the group's Edit list, if they have the appropriate permission) to add community members to their groups

It does not allow coordinators or group creators to modify the community member list.


Can modify the community member list

Members in this permission group can modify the community member list -- add/remove members, add/remove groups, and add/remove guests (if the corresponding community setting allowing this is enabled by the site administrator). Members who are granted this right:

  • are implicitly granted the can see the community member list permission. They can also create groups, but aren't implicitly granted that permission, since that's a component of this permission (however, this permission's check box is selected and disabled when the can modify community member list permission is granted).

  • cannot modify member lists of eRooms to which they belong unless they also coordinate the eRoom. Coordinators who are granted this permission can add members from the community member list, and can add/remove members and guests from the community member list (they can only add/remove guests if the corresponding community setting allowing this is enabled by the site administrator).


Can set passwords

Members in this permission group can change local member's passwords and unlock locked accounts (it does not give permission to modify any other member information such as activating deactivated accounts, granting permissions, or changing email addresses). This permission implicitly grants the Can see the community member list permission.


See also: Managing members as site administrator for information about deleting and moving local community members and groups, and merging duplicate accounts.

Site Settings: Licenses

In this section, you keep track of

eRoom members consume licenses in their home communities only (not in every community in which they are a guest). You can permit communities to use licenses on an as-needed basis, or limit the number of licenses communities can claim from the pool of available licenses.

To add a license string to a site:

  1. Click "add a license string".

  2. On the Add License String page, type the new license string.

  3. Click "OK".

In the communities table, you can specify a license limit for each community in the "Limits on Licenses" field. The total number of licenses allocated to a community cannot be less than the number of licenses consumed by that community. Leave "None" in the field if you want a community to use licenses on an as-needed basis from the pool of available licenses.

When a member is moved from one community to another, the member's license, if any, will travel with the member, as long as the target community has enough licenses for all the moved members.  

Members who have never logged into an eRoom do not take up licenses, so your license count does not limit the number of accounts you can create. This licensing scheme allows you to add a larger pool of potential members than there are licenses.

Once a member logs in, a license is taken up that is not released unless that member is deleted, deactivated, or the authenticated directory to which they are connected is changed.

If a member tries to log in for the first time, and there are no more available licenses, an error says to contact the administrator.

Site Settings: Passwords

You can use settings on the Passwords page to increase security at your site.  

Show a logout button

This option is initially off and a logout button does not appear on eRoom pages; members end an eRoom session simply by closing the browser window.

With this option turned on, members can end their eRoom session by clicking a logout button on any eRoom page that has a control bar (which includes My eRooms pages, but not wizard, dialog, or settings pages). When the logout button is available, members cannot save passwords from one eRoom login session to another, and the site setting that allows this is disabled.

Clicking "logout" does the following:

Members can save their passwords via the Login page

This setting is initially off. When this option is turned on, the Login page includes a Save Password check box. With Save Password selected, members don't have to re-type their passwords every time they log in to the site. In this case, eRoom saves members' encrypted passwords on the client from one eRoom login session to another.

When the logout button is enabled for the site, this setting is disabled and members cannot save passwords on the Login page.

Note: While this is a convenient feature for site members, you should consider the security risk that unauthorized users can potentially gain access to eRooms just by clicking "OK" on the Login page.

Password rules for local members

External-membership directories determine the password rules that apply to their members. You can manage the password rules for local community members, however, with these settings.


When on (check box selected)

Initial setting

Members must change their passwords the first time they log in.

Members must change passwords the first time they log in.


Members can change their own passwords later.

Allows members to change their own passwords on their Member Information pages.


Members must change their passwords every n months.

Specify the number of months (n), after which members must change their passwords.


Members can recover their own passwords.

Enables password recovery for local members who forget their passwords. This option requires that  Members can change their own passwords.


Passwords must have at least n characters.

Specify the minimum number of characters (n) that member passwords must contain.


Passwords must qualify as "complex" passwords.

Members must choose "complex" passwords -- those having at least eight characters, and containing a combination of uppercase letters, lowercase letters, numbers, and symbols (at least three of the four).


When members are created, their initial passwords are supplied by  



Member passwords are initially set either by their creator, one at a time, or by their creator or the members, with batch creation available. In the first case, member creators set passwords for each new member individually. In the latter case, member creators have the option to set passwords individually, or leave the password field blank and let members set their own. When members can set their own passwords, member creators can create multiple members at once, instead of one at a time.

their creator, one at a time

Change password

eRoom checks the password-change rules after members click "OK" on the Login page, but before their My eRooms page appears. The Change Password dialog box appears automatically if any of the following conditions exist:

In all of the above-mentioned cases, members must pick new passwords to enter the site.

Account locking

eRoom locks accounts after a set number of login tries, or attempts to recover a password. When a member account locks, that member is denied access to the site until the account is unlocked.


Pick the means by which the eRoom Monitor authenticates member passwords.

Authenticate member passwords

When on (radio button selected)

Initial setting

directly to the eRoom server

The Monitor authenticates eRoom users with its own login dialog.


via a security proxy server that requires an HTML interface

The Monitor authenticates eRoom users with a third-party authentication policy.


via certificates

The Monitor authenticates eRoom users with security certificates your site uses.


Specify whether The Monitor can save encrypted passwords so that once logged into a site, users don't have to log in again to use the Monitor. If "via certificates" is selected, this setting is cleared and disabled.


If your site uses RSA SecurID®, specify the members who must authenticate with SecurID: All or Selected Members. Click to open the member list of the SecurID member group, where you can add members to or remove members from that group.

Site Settings: Rights Management

To enable rights management for an eRoom site, you specify settings on the Rights Management page of Site Settings.

Important: You need a separate IRM policy server for each eRoom site in which you want to enable rights management.

Allow members to use rights management policies to protect files

Select this option to enable communities in the site to optionally make rights management available to their eRooms.

This option is initially off. If it is never selected, no rights-management settings for an eRoom, folder, or eligible files are shown in the site.

If rights management is enabled in a site, you can disable it by clearing this option and saving Site Settings. In this case, rights management is disabled in all eRooms in all communities in the site.

While rights management is disabled, no new eligible content in the site can be protected. Existing protected files remain protected, however, and you can still edit their actual policies. Once rights management is disabled, eRoom and folder policies no longer affect the files they contain. Therefore, actual policies for protected files might differ from their effective policies while rights management was enabled. Existing protected files continue to be identified (in large icon view) by a "protected" symbol (), and by notation on their Access Control pages. New files have no rights-management settings.

If rights management is disabled in a site, you can re-enable it by selecting this option and saving Site Settings. In this case, rights management is re-enabled in all eRooms in all communities in the site that used rights management before it was disabled.

If any eRooms or folders are set to automatically protect files, all existing, unprotected Microsoft Office and Adobe Acrobat files in those eRooms or folders are automatically and permanently protected by a rights-management policy.

IRM policy server name and port number

Specify the Server Name and Port number of the IRM policy server for your site.

If you do not specify a port number, eRoom uses 443 as the default port.

Important: Because of the one-to-one relationship between an eRoom site and an IRM policy server, the policy server name must remain consistent for a site. If the policy server name changes in the future, users will be unable to open protected file content. Therefore, during the testing phases of an eRoom/IRM deployment, for example, administrators should decide whether protected files added to the eRoom development and staging environments will move into the production environment. If so, then the IRM policy server used during development and staging must be the same server used in production.

Policy server administrative account

Specify the Login name and Password of the administrative account that eRoom uses to connect to the named IRM policy server. This account need not be an administrator account and can be any user created in the following manner:

  1. Create a user in the IRM server.

  2. Create a group with the created user a member.

  3. Grant the following minimum permissions to the created group: View, Protect, and Delete Own.

Click "test" to check the site's connection to the IRM server by using settings in the Server Name, Port number, Login Name and Password fields. If eRoom connects with the IRM policy server, a message informs you that the connection succeeded. Otherwise, the appropriate error message appears.

Site Settings: Provisioning (Advanced installation only)

Use the Provisioning page to define the provisioning rules at your site.

eRoom Advanced installation enables large eRoom sites to have multiple web, file, database, and indexing servers. Each server hosts eRooms or files from multiple facilities. You can define provisioning rules that determine which set of servers will handle eRoom files and facilities. Provisioning can be manual (explicitly specifying servers or facilities), or automatic.

If provisioning is automatic, eRooms and facilities might be created according to the rules of a particular provisioning group. Provisioning groups allow administrators and eRoom creators to group resources according to different types of eRooms or facilities. You can re-label provisioning groups to reflect the category you use to group sets of eRooms or facilities.

For example, to handle eRooms according to geographical divisions of your company, you might refer to your provisioning groups as "locations" and define different locations for North America, Asia Pacific, and Europe. When users create eRooms, they pick the "locations" to use, and eRoom provisions the eRooms according to the servers, communities, and facilities to which the locations are assigned.

Base your decisions about creating provisioning groups on your server resources and how you want to allocate them for use by eRooms and facilities.

See also: Moving or reprovisioning a facility in Community administration

Provisioning groups and template eRooms

One way to use provisioning groups is to provide template eRooms for users. For example, suppose you define two styles of eRoom (provisioning groups) called "Executive" and "Contractor" and assign both to a community called "Corporate". In that community, you create a facility called  "Executives only" to which you assign the "Executive" style, and another facility called "Contractors only" to which you assign the "Contractor" style. In each facility, you create an eRoom using the appropriate style. In the eRooms, you provide a variety of items appropriate for the style of eRoom. For example, you might name the "Executive" style eRoom "Executive Workplace", and you could outfit it with a variety of planning and analysis tools (calendar, project plan, spreadsheet, and so on). Once you create the eRooms, you define them as templates. The next time you (or a member with "Can create eRooms" permission) create an eRoom in the "Corporate" community, you can pick either the "Executive" or "Contractor" style. Accordingly, the eRoom wizard will present the template eRoom associated with that style.  

Automatic or manual

Pick whether provisioning eRooms and facilities at your site is automatic or manual.

See also:

Provisioning groups

The "Provisioning Groups" table shows the name of each provisioning group at your site, and which servers and communities it is assigned to. When you create new provisioning groups, they appear here.  Here is what you can do using this table.


Click in a row...


Edit a provisioning group.

(or its name)

Edit Provisioning Group page opens.

Delete a provisioning group.

deleteicon.GIF (858 bytes)

Removes the provisioning group from the site.

To create or edit a provisioning group:

  1. To add a provisioning group, click . The Add Provisioning Group page opens.

    Or, to edit a provisioning group, click next to its name. The Edit Provisioning Group page opens.

  1. Type or edit a Name, Description (optional), and NickName for the provisioning group.

    The description allows site administrators to record any details about the provisioning group.

    The nickname is used in the name of a facility that is created automatically (in the create eRoom wizard) when there are otherwise no facilities for the selected provisioning group. A number is added to make the name unique, if necessary, when constructing a URL to eRooms in the facility.

  1. Select the servers and communities to which you want to assign the provisioning group.

    These are the servers and communities that will be used for creating eRooms and facilities at the site. Base your server selections on how large or busy you expect that certain types of eRooms or communities will be.

  1. Click "OK" to add the provisioning group to the table, or to put your changes into effect.

Relabeling "Provisioning groups"

You can replace the label "Provisioning Groups" with a term that describes what you use them for (such as "Location" or "Department"). The new term is what members see in place of "Provisioning groups" when they create eRooms and facilities. A more meaningful term provides better context for members, and can encourage better compliance with your provisioning strategy.

Type a new term in the "Label the Provisioning Group field:" box.

Removing provisioning groups

When you delete a provisioning group, it is removed from all lists where it appears (in the Create eRoom and Create Facility wizards, for example). Any files or databases on servers to which that group was assigned are not reprovisioned, and existing facilities in communities to which that group was assigned are not moved, but nothing tagged with that provisioning group in the future can be created on those servers or communities.

Site Settings: Usage Reports

eRoom 7 can log sessions and usage statistics in a site-wide usage database and provide Web-based administrative reports. You can also export the usage reports as comma-separated Excel spreadsheets.

See: Usage reports

Site Settings: Scheduler

The eRoom Scheduler is a background process that runs on the servers at your site. The Scheduler runs nightly as well as background tasks throughout a 24-hour period.

eRoom Advanced installation only: The Scheduler table includes a row for each server in the site -- background tasks can be specified independently for each server.

To enable or disable each task separately, select or clear the corresponding check box (all tasks are enabled by default).


Scheduler Task



Send email notifications

eRoom members can request nightly change reports for each eRoom that tell them what has changed in that eRoom during the previous day. For this to work, you must also enter your SMTP mail server name on the Email page of Site Settings.


Synchronize member directories

If you are using enterprise directories for any facilities on your server, the Scheduler automatically synchronizes the directories once a day, removing obsolete members and adding new ones to the appropriate facilities. To synchronize all directory connections in the site immediately, instead of waiting for the overnight synch, click "now".


Reconcile Instant Messaging Accounts (eRoom Instant Messaging Integration Services only)

The scheduler runs a nightly reconciliation task (to get the latest counts of members using the IM networks, and those waiting to be provisioned). The job runs only on the default eRoom server (the one selected for nightly synchs). An error mail is sent to the administrator if there are any errors during the reconciliation (for example, unable to connect to the Gateway), or if there are insufficient identities to provision all users.


Verify all Documentum Server links (eRoom Enterprise only)

The Scheduler checks for and cleans up any broken links between eRoom and the Documentum Server repository. To verify all Documentum Server links in the site immediately, instead of waiting for the overnight synch, click "now".


Enable site recovery

See: eRoom Checker and Site Database Recovery in "Diagnostic and troubleshooting tools".


Send immediate email notifications

eRoom members can also request immediate email notification when a specific item is changed.


Check for email sent to inboxes

eRoom enables inboxes to receive email by default. With this option selected, the Scheduler delivers email messages to eRoom inboxes.

To prevent all inboxes in the facility from receiving email, clear this check box. (To receive email, you must also create an email account for the facility and enter its address in the Address to send to box in the Inboxes section of the Facility Settings page.)


Index new files (for full-text searching)

When new files are added to eRooms, the Scheduler indexes them so they will be included in eRoom searches. You can completely rebuild a facility's file index in Facility Settings.


Check for changes to linked files (eRoom Enterprise only)

In order to maintain consistency between Documentum Server-linked files in eRoom and the primary copies of the corresponding files in the repository, the Scheduler checks Documentum Server-linked files for changes to content or metadata, made in either eRoom or the Documentum Server, and flags the changed links in eRoom for notifications and unread information. When changes are detected, eRoom also updates the full-text index. You specify the interval between these checks in the Documentum Server Connection section of Site Settings.

Site Settings: Email

Settings on the Email page specify how eRoom handles outgoing email to eRoom members, and incoming email sent to eRoom inboxes.

Note: As of eRoom 7.2, eRoom uses SMTP instead of POP3. See below for information about how this change affects the email addresses of existing inboxes.

Outgoing email

The eRoom Scheduler uses your SMTP mail server to send change reports, eRoom and site invitations, and email alerts.

Specify the SMTP server name and port number.

Incoming email

eRoom needs its own, separate SMTP server so eRoom inboxes can receive email.

Sending email to eRoom inboxes from outside the corporate firewall

Depending on your mail configuration, there might be a corporate "mail gateway" that routes all email from the Internet into the various internal mail servers. Other configurations might not have a gateway, in which case the eRoom server in the DMZ would get email directly. If inboxes on your site will receive email from outside a firewall, either the eRoom server or the mail gateway inside the DMZ must have a DNS entry that recognizes the email address domain for the inboxes on the eRoom site.

Contact your IT department to determine how you want to make the SMTP server available to internal and external email clients.

Inbox addresses change after upgrade to eRoom 7.2

When your site is upgraded to 7.2, eRoom converts existing POP3 inboxes to SMTP inboxes. Existing inbox addresses change accordingly, as follows:

Format: (eRoomURL_ObjectID)

Example: (development_0_425)

For a single community



For more than one community



Site Settings: Project Plans

Use the Project Plans page to manage site-wide default settings for project plans.

Site-wide setting


Initial setting

Task status (late vs. tardy threshold)

A task whose actual progress is behind the expected progress by this percent or more is designated late. Specify the default site-wide threshold above which tasks change from being tardy to late.

With progress reports enabled, individual project plans can override this default setting.


Working days

Days of the week available for scheduling work in projects (non-working days are skipped).

Select the check boxes for your site's default working days.

Communities can inherit or override site-wide working days; individual projects may also inherit or override them.

Monday through Friday


A list of dates designated as non-working days. The list is sorted first by date and then by description. If the list is empty, the message "No holidays" appears.

To add a default site-wide holiday, click "add a site-wide holiday" to open the Create Holiday page. Pick the date and (optionally) provide a description. Click "OK". The holiday now appears in the list. Once custom holidays are listed, you can edit them () or delete them ().

Communities can inherit or override site-wide holidays; individual projects may also inherit or override them.

No holidays

Site Settings: Extensions

Use the Extensions page to make extensions -- small, custom applications for handling specialized eRoom tasks -- available to particular communities or to the entire site. Before extensions appear on the Extensions page, however, they must first be developed and deployed for the site.

For information on developing and configuring server extensions, refer to the Server Extension Programmers Guide book within the eRoom API Help.

Placing extension files in the proper location

Once you develop an extension, you must place all of the files (ASP pages, data files, DLLs, etc.) in a primary folder. This primary folder must then be placed in the ~Extensions folder within the same eRoom 7 file server directory that contains facility templates. Once an extensions primary folder is placed in the ~Extensions folder, it then appears on the Extensions tab of the Extension Manager administration tool. From here, you can configure your extension and update servers so that they have access to the extension.

To configure and deploy an extension:

  1. From the Windows Start menu, choose Programs > eRoom Server > eRoom Server Administration.

The eRoom MMC snap-in opens.

  1. Right-click the eRoom Folder.

  2. Choose "Extension Manager".

    The Extensions tab of the eRoom Extension Manager dialog opens.

  1. Select the newly added extension and click "Configure".

    The Configure dialog appears.

  1. Enter the information or select the settings to complete the dialog.

    If the extension includes an XML configuration file, some or all of the settings may be supplied already.

    If the extension is a custom command, and you do not specify any Item types on which you want the command to appear, the command appears on all applicable item types.

  1. Click "OK".

  2. Using the Windows Control Panel, stop all IIS services.

  3. In the Extension Manager dialog, click the "Update Server" tab ("Update Local Server" for the multi-server version).

  4. Click the "Start" button.

    The newly configured extension is distributed to the current server. The extensions can now be enabled or disabled for individual communities through the Extensions section of the eRoom Site Settings page.

  1. Using the Windows Control Panel, re-start all IIS services.

  2. Repeat steps 7-10 on all other servers in the site.

Note: When running the extension manager on a site that contains a cluster, the extension installation status for each cluster node will be displayed. This can be seen on the Server Status tab of the eRoom Extension Manager dialog. Cluster nodes are identified in the Server column as SiteServerName/ClusterNodeName.

To remove an extension:

  1. From the Windows Start menu, choose Programs > eRoom Server > eRoom Server Administration.

    The ERSAdmin window opens.

  1. Right-click the eRoom Folder.

  2. Choose "Extension Manager".

    The Extensions tab of the eRoom Extension Manager dialog appears.

  1. Select the extension you would like to remove and click "Remove."

  2. Confirm the removal.

Once an extension is developed and deployed, you can make it available to specific communities or to the entire site, or restrict its availability. However, some extensions (Event Handlers, Custom Viewers etc.) can be restricted only at the community level and cannot be restricted at the eRoom level.

To make an extension available for communities or the entire site:

  1. On the Extensions page of Site Settings, locate the extension you want to make available.

  2. Specify one of the four "Availability" modes.

    The "Always off" and "Always on" modes do not allow community administrators to change an extension for their communities. In contrast, the "Off but can be turned on" and "On but can be turned off" modes allow community administrators to determine the extensions availability for their communities.

  1. Click and pick the community or communities for which you want the availability setting to apply.

  2. Click "OK".

  3. When you are finished setting availability for extensions, click "Apply" on the Extensions page.

Site Settings: Instant Messaging

If you have eRoom Instant Messaging Integration Services, use the Instant Messaging page to manage site-wide settings for instant messaging (IM) in eRoom.

Note: Microsoft Live Communication Server (LCS) is the only IM network supported in the current release.

To turn on instant messaging at your site:

  1. First, enter the Server name and, optionally, the Port number of the Instant Messaging gateway.

  2. If the gateway is using SSL, select the check box labeled Use SSL to connect to this server.

  3. Enter the Login name and Password for the Windows account that has access to the IM gateway. This is the account name and password that you provided to the IM Gateway installer.

  4. Click "test" to verify whether the account name and its password are valid for the IM gateway.

  5. Click "Apply" at the top of the Instant Messaging page to put the gateway and account settings into effect.

  6. To enable your members to use an instant message network, you must create an eRoom identity for that network (an existing account for that network that will only be used by eRoom to send messages to your members). eRoom members using this network will be added to this accounts contact list, and messages from eRoom will be sent from this account. Each identity can support a limited number of members so you will need to create multiple identities if the site has more than that number of members using the network. An identity consists of an account name, and a password.

  1. Now select the check box labeled "This site supports Instant Messaging". (If this check box is clear, instant messaging is not supported in the site, and no IM-related UI appears in the product.) Click "Apply" or "OK" after selecting the check box.

Identities table

The Identities table shows the identities that eRoom will use to access each network, and the member counts associated with each.

To get new member information for all networks from the IM gateway, click "update member count".

Instant messaging permission group

You can choose to allow only certain members, or all members, to use Instant Messaging in your site. Click to specify the site members who can be contacted via instant message. Members with this permission have "Can be contacted via instant message" on their member information pages.

When you add a member to the Instant Messaging permission group, eRoom monitors that member's IM presence. Not only can they be contacted via IM, but their presence is indicated via the member icons (where they appear), they can choose to receive notifications via IM, and you can send them alerts via IM.